
Grant Thesis

DCF champions innovations that pioneer decentralized cooperation. Our grants program focuses on projects that utilize and/or accelerate the Agoric, Inter Protocol, or the Cosmos- IBC (Inter‐Blockchain Communication) ecosystems. 

Our investments and grants prioritize projects that:

  1. Embody Decentralization: Projects that promote the principles of decentralization, ensuring equitable access, transparency, and a user-centric focus. 
  2. Push Technological Boundaries: Initiatives that leverage cutting-edge blockchain development with a special emphasis on Agoric, Inter Protocol, and IBC. 
  3. Connect and Empower: Solutions that foster community, bridging entities and individuals across domains and regions, and catalyzing the growth of a global decentralized ecosystem. 
  4. Elevate Education & Advocacy: Endeavors that aim to enlighten new generations about decentralized ecosystems, transforming skeptics into believers and passive observers into active participants. 
  5. Exemplify Cooperative Spirit: Projects that resonate with DCF’s Four Pillars of Cooperation, demonstrating a commitment to advocacy, evangelism, innovative development, and robust community support.

Year One Priorities

Up to 10 million BLD has been earmarked for grant-making activities. Given the nascent state of Agoric and Inter Protocol, and in light of their place in the broader IBC, DCF will prioritize in year one applicants that meet some or all of the following attributes:

  1. User and ecosystem growth initiatives especially integrations with Inter Protocol, active wallets and integrations for IST, use of IST in the wider cosmos ecosystem. 
  2. Usability, UX and UI enhancements, particularly in relation to Inter Protocol; 
  3. Public goods in the Agoric ecosystem, Inter Protocol, or the broader IBC; 
  4. Research that advances understanding of stablecoins and/or the importance of decentralization; 
  5. New features and extended functionality for Inter Protocol.


The following factors will impact eligibility and the consideration of the application:

  • A team of two or more founders is preferred
  • A solid business plan
  • An established (business) entity
  • Demonstrable product market fit
  • Demonstrable traction
  • Track record of delivering outputs
  • No current litigation

How to apply

>>  Interested projects may apply by completing this application <<

Past Recipients